Tradio Ads week of 02/11/25

  1. In need of a dirt cheap car - 7605499175
  2. Tow bar adjustable 65$ / professional engine building stand brand new 125$ 100 lbs capacity / craftsman contractor series radial arm saw with a stand and accessories dust collections system 400$ - 4425991055
  3. Looking for double/full bed frame 54 inch by 75 inch - 7602233801
  4. Washer for sale $100 - 6612210409 
  5. 1989 ford F150 4 speed automatic 8ft bed 4000$ - 7605493336
  6. 35 ft motorhome 140000 miles non-opt washer and dryer - 5000$ / 1989 jeep cherokee 65,000 miles on the motor automatic 3000$ - 4422189231
  7. Looking for a small couch - 7602231177
  8. Pull saw with chain saw at the end extends 15 ft like new $49 - 4422186911
  9. Wood 2x4 and 4x4 all free - 7074942827
  1. Gallon of prestone antifreeze it is orange color 10$ / sunbeam electric blanket brand new double bed 25$ / piping for a wood stove $90 - 4422189112 
  2. Looking for tent trailer or a small cargo trailer 5 x 7 enclosed / harley davidson 500 - 700$ - 7604172037
  3. Looking for standard GM 15 inch steel rim 4 ¾ with tire- 4422186448
  4. 800 vintage jazz cds 100$ / mini nest speaker 20$ / - 4422185315
  5. Looking for a nice office chair - 7024015727
  6. 35 shopping carts to giveaway / renting out a 38 ft trailer on 2 acre 700/month - 8052846173
  7. Schwinn 24 inch women's mountain bike ranger in ver 7603796356/ 7603797929
  8. 2006 travel trailer 27 ft really good condition stain glass windows 8000$ / best care sit to stand mobility assist $400 / electric wheelchair - 7602231485 listed on facebook KV buy sell and trade


  1. 35 shopping carts to giveaway / renting out a 38 ft trailer on 2 acre 700/month - 8052846173
  2. 800 vintage jazz cds 60$ / mini nest speaker 20$ / whitfield pellet stove 500$ - 4422185315


Tradio Ads week of 02/04/25

  1. Looking for a place to rent 1 bed yard pet - 7609865711
  2. Metal California king bed frame with 2 box springs free obo  - 7603767711 / 7604788240
  3. Sit to stand mobility assist for bed or chairs $300 / brand new electric wheelchair  -7602231485
  4. 3237106685 available for dump runs
  5. Functional washing machine looking to give away to a single mother can deliver 7605499052
  6. Looking for metal engraver / renting a 38 ft trailer out taking - 8052846173
  7. Big block oldsmobile heads rebuilt 1300$ for the pair / reese 5th wheel rocker hitch complete with all the hardware $350 / engine test fixture kit allows to test run or break engine $800 - 4425991055
  8. 2007 27 ft travel trailer w/ queen size bed clean solar panels $10,000 obo - 7602231485
  9. 6 gallons of thompson's water seal 10$ each or 6 for 50$ / tote 47 vhs tapes star trek collectors editions $30 for all of it / noritake fine china believe to be a full set $60 good condition - 7608877797
  10. Bose home stereo $250 / looking for little black trailer with fold down gate - 7603795999
  1. Fri and sat 11-3 jones and lake in Bodfish for free 
  2. 800 vintage jazz cd’s open to offers - 4422185072 / 4422185315
  3. Jazzy power chair 500$ 6613710740 Jay
  4. 3 20 inch tires and rims rims are motto make an offer free refrigerator - 6617177194
  5. Giveaway a couch and  loveseat - 7603795997
  6. 20 ft aluminum ext ladder osha approved clean and ready 100$ / transfer case mid 90s-2000 ford ranger type vehicles $300 / crankshaft small block chevy brand new 175$ - 4425991055
  7. 38 ft trailer for rent 700$/month utilities included - 8052846173


  1. Ken gates - 38 ft trailer for rent 700$/month utilities included - 8052846173
  2. Metal california king bed frame with 2 box springs free obo  - 7603767711 / 7604788240
  3. Fireplace piping $90 new electric blanket fits a double bed 25$ / looking for some property - 4422189112
  4. Sit to stand mobility assist for bed or chairs $300 / brand new electric wheelchair  w/ 2 brand new batteries 2007 27 ft travel trailer w/ queen size bed clean solar panels $10,000 obo - 7602231485


Tradio Ads week of 01/28/25

  1. Camper looking to give away fixer upper - 7605499052
  2. Anybody know anything about the free tax assistance that used to be at the library - please call in to Tradio


  1. Wheelchair lift 500$ / lift for $300 - 7604120133
  2. Small yard sale 2516 crestview Lake Isabella / looking for 2 13 inch tires for 7604171073
  3. Looking for a small radio for an end table 8052846173
  4. Metal california king bed frame with 2 box springs $20 - 7603767711 / 7604788240
  5. 2020 car trailer with 12000 lbs winch 3000$ / suzuki sidekick parts car 800$ / 54 chrysler with hemi 2 door 3800$ obo - 7602993456


  1. 1991 jayco eagle 5th wheel dual axle sleeps 6 8 by 28 ft jayco eagle 5th wheel, series 285 sleeps 6 full awning in good condition no ding dents or rust clean title in hand 3500$ obo - 7727664601
  2. Yard sale 35 siretta street in kernville thu-sat 8-4
  3. 6 gallons of thompson's water seal 10$ each or 6 for 50$ / tote 47 vhs tapes star trek collectors editions $30 for all of it / noritake fine china believe to be a full set $60 good condition - 7608877797
  4. 2007 honda civic 4 door gold good shape 3500$ obo - 7604179276
  5. 38ft travel trailer for rent $700/month - 8052846173


Tradio Ads week of 01/14/25

  1. 8 by 28 ft jayco eagle 5th wheel, series 285 sleeps 6 full awning in good condition no ding dents or rust clean title in hand 3500$ obo - 7727664601
  2. Looking for a 6ft dining room table and possibly some chairs 7606176306
  3. 2 40ft shipping containers / oak desk and chair - 4422189231
  4. Horse trough 300 gallon 250$ / 2 weight benches 200$  and weights 300$ - 7602230276
  5. Looking for a washer - 6614320027
  6. Fireview wood stove 60$ - 4422185723


  1. Sandblaster standup new gloves 36 inch by 24 inch collectors drum 300$ - 3033325847
  2. Looking for pipes to install a pellet stove double to triple walled 31/2 - 7603790620
  3. Blood drive 10-2 Saturday shepherd of the hills behind Isabella motel 
  4. Looking for someone with info  on a $3300 benefits card for seniors by entering zip code / looking for someone to change oil on a old pontiac - 4422185093
  1. Jazzy power chair 600$ - 6613710740
  2. Big compressor runs on 220 in very good condition 100$ - 6619728447
  3. Cabinets for free,1st is hardwood 6 ft long with shelving, 2nd internal shelving little taller, 3rd wooden box with hinged lid fri 10-12 at the downtown storage in isabella across from the True value 4422186911
  4. N8 tractor with bucket $3750/ battery operated lawn mower brand $225 - 7606082518
  5. 6 lug gmc/chevy aluminum rims 17 x 8 with spokes $200 for all 4 / reese 5th wheel rocker hitch set up complete with hardware and bed rails $350 like new / 20ft aluminum extension ladder osha approved $80 - 4425991055 
  6. B-hive equipment extractor with 2 frames , 4-5 smokers, tools, helmets with nets 6615991615


Tradio Ads week of 01/07/25

  1. Electric wheelchair brand new 2 batteries $650 / wheelchair brand new 25$ / wheelchair for free - 7602233148
  2. Snap on 32 ounce dead blow hammer / power chair wheelchair 600$ - 6613710740
  3. Chainsaw 10 inch mcculloch mac 110 from 1970’s brand new in the box $200 - 7602232203 


  1. 8 by 28 ft jayco eagle 5th wheel, series 285 sleeps 6 full awning in good condition no ding dents or rust clean title in hand 3500$ obo - 7727664601
  2. Looking for propane refrigerator big huge chest freezer - 7604172037
  3. Ten by ten army tent in good condition does need the poles 40$ / food dehydrator 25$ / countertop ice maker a little bigger than a toaster 25$ - 7603017687
  4.  black silkie rooster about 2 years old looking to rehome  - 7604170379
  1. 8 by 28 ft jayco eagle 5th wheel, series 285 sleeps 6 full awning in good condition no ding dents or rust clean title in hand 3500$ obo - 7727664601
  2. Wheelchair lifts / 7604120133
  3. 84 honda 750 nighthawk looking for parts / selling suzuki 1100 $300 - 7603794550
  4. 5 tires trxus mt 37/125/r15 - 8056242718


Tradio Ads week of 12/17/24

  1. 8 by 28 ft jayco 5th wheel series 285 sleeps 6 full awning in good condition no ding dents or rust clean title in hand 3500$ obo - 7727664601
  2. 2 handmade quilts - 7604171535
  3. Small 2022 travel trailer brand new condition 10,000$ obo / 4 car tires 205/65/r15 with plenty of tread 175$ - 7602231190
  1. 8 by 28 ft jayco 5th wheel series 285 sleeps 6 full awning in good condition no ding dents or rust clean title in hand 3000$ obo - 7727664601
  2. Whitfield pellet stove 500$ - 4422185315
  3. 2 40 ft c-train containers both for 10,000$  / 89 jeep cherokee $3000 / - 4422189231
  4. 3 piece bedroom dresser set 100$ obo / older big screen sony tv 20$ obo little dresser 20$ obo 4424235665
  5. Ego power station 1200$ / 9074204126
  6. Free German short hair under a year old - 6618891646
  7. 2 wheel chair lift 300$ and 500$ - 7604120133
  8. 220 electric dryer 75$ / corrugated metal 2ft x 16ft 30 pieces or so open offer 7603017687

Tradio Ads week of 12/17/24

  1. Oversize couch and loveseat in good condition $400 - 6614973033 
  2. Treadmill horizon all the bells and whistles with extra parts $300 - 6613309907
  3. Roy wood stove fireplace insert $500 obo - 7602230023
  4. Adjustable tow bar $65 / 4 bf goodrich tires on chrome 8 lug modular rims,  rear all terrain 331250 front 235,85,16 $400 / pizza delivery bag 25$ / looking for arms for a two post automotive lift  - 4425991055
  5. Looking for garage door repairs - 7602231177
  6. Oak table 7603791429
  7. 2 jayco racing fuel drums sealed  / table saw 10 inch 60$ / belt sander 40$ / scroll saw 20$  - 7602235100
  8. 34 competitive competitive trailer 4500$ goose neck / 64 chevy suburban project 2500$ / vertex mag will fit small or big block chevy 500$ - 7604170339
  9. Glass display cases 5 of them - 4422189231
  10. Looking for local person that will work on a golf cart - 8057179240
  11. Looking for someone to do haul furniture to be taken to the dump such as entertainment center dresser  / hospital single electric bed for free - 7602232970 Donny
  12. Motorcycle 2002 honda saber cruiser model 23000 miles - 3797321
  13. Dryer electric 220 works good $75 / - 7603017687
  14. Lift chair brand new in the box 325$ - 7603715788
  1. 8 by 28 foot jayco eagle fifth wheel sleeps 6 3500$ -  7727664601
  2. Engine test fixture to test run or break in engines works on all kind of engines brand new $800 / craftsman contractor series radial arm saw with dust collection system and steel stand, extra accessories $400 / 1969 ford 4wd truck turquoise blue 331250 tires goodyear 390 motor with less than 10,000 miles with hydraulic dump bed $15,000 / looking for arms for a two post automotive lift - 4425991055
  3. Somebody looking for an electric stove - 7603766331 
  4. 11 piece nativity set $110 /  8 ft artificial christmas tree $80 obo - 7605493876
  5. 1977 honda 70 honda 90 honda 110 - 6616149489


Tradio Ads week of 12/03/24

  1. Treadmill horizon all the bells and whistles 300$ in good condition - 6613309907
  2. Showy multitec helmet 100$ / 800$ speakers Klipsch for $150 / looking for a come-a-long - 4422185723
  3. 352 ford motor c-6 transmission with shift kit, decked out with about 10,000 miles 1200$ / tko transmission brand new $2400 / 2 750 holly carburetors 150$ a piece , 780 gold plated holly 300$ - 7603795999
  4. 2 mountain bikes 100$ 7602231779
  5. 1915 singer sewing machine Best offer - 7603792745
  6. Looking for motorcycle toy runs info
  1. Looking for an old tractor tire / looking for some scrap plywood to donate / compact fridge 100 cubic feet - 4422185241
  2. Live on commercial ave looking for black kitten 7605499052
  3. Looking Golf cart charger 7209399559
  4. 12 inch table saw 75$ / belt sander 50$ / scroll saw 20$ - 7602235011
  5. Looking for emergency engine started on wheels - 8052846173
  6. Looking for a side box tool box / toyota bumper and tailgate - 7604179276
  7. Brand new Septic tank for sale 795$ 750 gallon - 3790620
  8. Looking for motorcycle toy runs info - 7608121039
  9. Bakersfield sunday toy drive at Harley Davidson this Sunday
  10. Oak student desk four drawers in great condition 100$ / 20 ft aluminum extension ladder osha approved model 405-20 clean 80$ / gooseneck hitch plate 25/16 50000 4425991055
  1. Dryer electric GE 100$ / trash compactor 50$ - 7603017687
  2. Chuck garage sale friday and saturday at 8am fishing tools camping 75 Kings lane in wofford heights
  3. Wheelchair Bob - 3 wheel chair lifts 300-500$ / 2 mountain bikes 15$ each  - 7604120113
  4. Nitrous oxide tank for refilling station 100$ / helium tank 135 cubic foot 4ft tall aluminum 100$ / 351 windsor engine fresh rebuild aluminum head covers/ valves show car engine 6500$ - 4425991055
  5. 34 gooseneck tri axle enclosed trailer made by competitive 4500$ / 64 chevy suburban 2500$ / vertex magneto for a v8 chevy 450$ - 7604170339


Tradio Ads week of 11/24/24

  1. 1991 28 ft jayco 5th wheel series 285 sleeps 6, title in hand, no dings dents or rust $3500 - 7727664601
  2. 2 mountain bikes $100 - 7602231779
  3. 2004 250 super duty 8500$ 7604659749
  4. Looking for piping for pellet stoves 3790620
  5. Looking for an electric winch / 75 dodge sportscoach motorhome 1000$ - 4422185723
  6. Looking for a metal wallet / looking for architectural background to draw a schematic of a commercial building - 4422185093
  7. Missing phone a14 galaxy - 7604999605
  8. 7 dogs to rehome queensland heeler and border collie - 7604179718


Tradio Ads week of 11/19/24

  1. 1991 28 ft jayco series 285 sleeps 6, title in hand, no dings dents or rust $3500 - 7727664601
  2. Dennis - 2 mountain bike 100$  - 7602231779
  3. Toro lawn mower runs good self propelled 150$ / rototiller attachment made from john deer 150$ / dvd movies 275 100$ - 7602232203
  4. Motorcycle helmet 150$ / magic butter machine 60$ / 75 dodge sportscoach motorhome 1200$ - 4422185723
  5. Tailgate and bumper 2000 tacoma both in good shape / washer and dryer - 7604179276
  6. Looking for metal wallets to store cards / and looking for someone with a steady hand and architectural skillset to draw a blueprint of a commercial building  - 4422185093
  7. Ringer washer 800$ in good condition and a pot belly wood stove $800 / dvd/vcr $80 - 7604170623 
  8. Looking for some pipe to install a pellet stove / septic tank brand new $795 - 7603790620
  9. Looking for an acoustic guitar - 7602232228


  1. Small chipper made by craftsman 100$ / 7602232203
  2. Dually 1994 1 ton f-350 with rollalong package , new tires and brakes, 460 with overdrive 140000 mile, $5000 - 3608450157
  3. Mg midget 2 of mg bs - 7604170589 
  4. Set of pole clamps $30/ skill saw $50/ looking for chest waders 7604171295
  5. Dennis - 2 mountain bike 100$  - 7602231779
  6. Car trailer diamond plated with custom tailgate, chrome wheels 20 ft bed $2500 for trailer or 3000$ for everything on it as well - 7603795999


  1. Missing phone a14 galaxy - 7604999605
  2. Whitfield pellet stove 500$ - 6619728447
  3. Dennis - 2 mountain bike 100$  - 7602231779
  4. Rebuilt ford transmission has never been fits 4.0 v6 1800$ / big block chevy heads ready to go 250$ / big block oldsmobile heads 250$ - 4425991055 
  5. 87 jamboree ford e350 motorhome sleeps 6 $4500 - 6614210744 or 4424235777
  6. Taking offers3 cars 64 skylarks sport coupe / 67 rolls royce 2 door hardtop / 96 buick roadmaster -  5624004844
  7. Thousands of sports cards - 100 for 10$ 6614165767


Tradio Ads week of 11/12/24

  1. 270 dvd movies 100$ / - 7602232203
  2. Woodfield pellet stove 500$ - 6619728447
  3. Tow bar fully adjustable 65$ / 4 bf goodrich tires 8 lug chrome modular rims 85% tread 400$ for all four / 455 oldsmobile engine rebuilt with flywheel for manual transmission 6500$ - 4425991055
  4. Deepfreeze 3 ft x3 ft 100$ / electric three wheel scooter 500$ - 6613044130
  1. Dennis 2 mountain bike 100$ -  7602231779
  2. 2 mountain bikes 21 speed 30$ a piece / single speed bike 10$ - 7603781129
  3. Toy hauler travel trailer 20 ft in good condition $9000 obo - 7609060106
  4. Looking for a small dining room table - 7603790620
  5. Motorcycle for sale 2002 1100 honda saber 23000 miles 7603797321
  1. Dennis 2 mountain bike 100$ -  7602231779
  2. Septic tank new never used $795 - 7603790620
  3. Victorian hand carved french dragon paw table $75 / hospital chair in good shape 100$ obo / lots of miscellaneous stuff for anyone to look through -  4424238589
  4. Full carbon fiber road bicycle 27 speed $700 / custom recumbent 700 rear wheel 20 inch disc brake wheel with a 250 watt electric motor 500$ - 5628813614
  5. Looking for standing upright freezer - 6616992957
  6. Cannondale adventure bike $350 / connect shock for the bike 100$ / 2 big speakers 200$ - 4422185723


Tradio Ads week of 11/05/24

  1. 1994 f350 xlt dually 460 with overdrive 141000, new tires, locking tool box, rollalong package $7500 - 3608450157
  2. Motorcycle lift 500$ / auto lift $700 6615586348
  3. 2016 honda ctx 700 11,630 miles $6000 / 1979 catalina sailboat 24 ft $1200/ rollaway $800 9097545270
  4. yard sale this weekend 200 miller street in Bodfish lot of tools fri and sat
  5. Looking for small dining room table -  7603790620
  6. Steve - 4 flat free tires 13 x 5 x 6 3 inch hub brand new  around $170 obo - 7604179203
  7. Looking for any free turkey giveaways
  8. Taking offers on cars: 1996 buick roadmaster, 1967 rolls royce 2 door coupe, 1964 skylark sport coupe - 5624004844
  9. Looking for galaxy a14 phone - 7604999605
  1. 28ft jayco 5th wheel sleeps 6 in very good condition $4000 obo - 7727664601
  2. 2 solar tubes 80$ a piece / 10 inch table saw with a stand / - 4423330133
  3. Bikes 1966 honda 90 700$/ honda 70 125 motor 2000$ / honda 110 runs  6616149489
  4. 4 x 8 folding trailer 100$ needs wheels and tires 7608121039


  1. 28ft jayco 5th wheel sleeps 6 in very good condition $4000 obo - 7727664601
  2. Found a dog up on sycamore and bristlecone white/tan shih tzu 7604170394 
  3. Yard sale fri and sat 10917 hand court in weldon 7-2 jewelry, freezer 7602232377
  4. 1994 f350 xlt dually 460 with overdrive 141000, new tires, locking tool box, rollalong package $6500 - 3608450157
  5. Dennis two mountain bikes  7602231779
  6. 2 box springs for full size bed 24$ and free / 50 inch flat screen fire tv with wall mount 140$ - 7602231440
  7. Organ/ antique couch/  cannondale high end bikes $300 a piece/ dodge sportscoach motorhome $1000 4422185723
  8. Free mattress 60 inch by 80 inch queen size - 4422189112
  9. Needs some help with light house work a couple times a month 7604170152
  10. 1000 near mint sports collectible cards, 100 for 10$ 6614165767
  11. Looking for galaxy a14 phone - 7604999605
  12. Roofing tin about 38 inches x 10 feet long all of it for $30 - 7607929980
  13. Set of chisels made for wood on a lathe 20$ / looking for a pair of chest waders / set of woodworking planes 50$ - 7604171295


Tradio Ads week of 10/29/24

  1. 15/26 bike for sale - 7602231779
  2. Motorized awnings  sunsetter, 18ft / 10ft / 16 ft $1400 -  8312774119
  3. 2 mountain bikes 30$ each wheel chair lift 300$ , don perdone sign $500 - 7603781129 
  4. Coleman stove 5$, 5 gallon propane tank $5 / lantern $5 - 6462858795
  5. 2007 volvo xc90 900$ - 4424233093
  6. Texture sprayer and hopper 45$ a piece and a sandblaster 35$ - 7604171295


  1. heavy duty 5th wheel hitch slider husky 200 6613949810 
  2. Trailer hitch off 97 van 9099101625 
  3. hair clippers $5 / memory foam topper queen size bed $20 / queen mattress free 4422189112 
  4. bike 7602231379 
  5. utility trailer 8x5 lift up tail gate 995 two wooden walking chairs brand new 150 two beach chairs 100 for both blankets hand made  60 2094488636 
  6. yard sale? 29 columbus ave bodfish saturday hours 8-3 sunday 9-12 7602230686 
  7. 87 chevy with 57,00 miles rebuilt $6,000  4422185723 
  8. set of motorcycle bike racks $75 / 2007 toyota perus 270,000 miles $2500 needs 4x4 7604172037 
  1. Yard sale 14207 polaris street in weldon 8-5 fri sat and sunday 
  2. Pickup truck full of recycling cans needs to get rid of them 8057179240
  3. Looking for a good pellet stove 3790620
  4. Looking for a sliding glass door 78x37 7603777038
  5. Motorized awning sunsetter 18ft / 10ft  1400$ each 3 of them / black out curtains motorized 800$ a piece 12 and 15 feet long / old cement mixer 100$ - 8312774119
  6. Air compressor runs on 220 150$ obo / vw tow hitch 50$  - 6619728447


Tradio Ads week of 10/22/24

  1. Tools - 7602231779
  2. Still looking for old horse trailer that she needs to store things - 7603791328
  3. Whitfield pellet stove 500$ / 2 2cylinder air compressor runs on 220 150$ obo / shade umbrellas 20$ - 6619728447
  4. Brentwell propane stove 700$ - 6614261603
  5. 2004 honda civic - 6614261603
  6. Looking for someone to clean there chimney - 7602231485
  1. Looking for Corn stocks for kids pumpkin patch - 7602823237
  2. Dvd movies 250 100$ for all / 1970’s era mac 110 mccullough chain saw brand new 200$ - 7602232203
  3. Tools - 7602231779
  4. 2005 pt cruiser convertible 2500$ - 7602993456
  5. 2008 trx 500 quad 2800$ needs two new front tires - 7602233108
  6. For cooling kit for a gmc 2002-2007 for a 6 cylinder , brand new 100$ 7602230276
  7. Electric conn organ 100$ / antique couch 100$ / booking for a vinyl window double pane 24-26 inch wide 36 inch long - 4422185723 
  8. Looking for two front seats for a harley - 7603795999
  1. Dennis box of tools / bicycle - 7602231779
  2. Looking for a galaxy a14 phone with a tiger cub as a screensaver - 7604999605 
    1. 15301 hwy 178 weldon offering reward for anyone that finds it
  3. queensland heeler puppies 9 weeks free to a good home -  7604171810
  4. Estate sale 220 rock haven in wofford heights  fri-sun 9am 3pm 4422942074
  5. Yard sale 120 lakeview drive in wh 9-3 fri-sat


Tradio Ads week of 10/15/24

  1. 1991 gmc 3500 box truck smogged fully loaded 140,000 miles 7000$ or trade for pickup of equal value / stage drops down to make a stage - text 7602993080
  2. Some hospital beds 2 - 6614079149
  3. Looking for security man security system monitor - 7603781378
  4. Router 40 /32 inch tv / tools - 7602231779
  5. Conn Organ 150$ / antique couch 150$ / 1975 dodge sportscoach motorhome 1500$ - 4422185723
  6. Still looking for old horse trailer that she needs to store things - 7603792838
  7. Electric pressure washer 1900 psi, new 120$ / pomegranates small - xl - 7604179531
  8. Looking for someone to fix paulstar digital watch - 4422185093
  9. Tool sale - 2620 pinion street in lake isabella on saturday
  10. 2005 chevy 4 door silverado 3000$ obo / needs someone to fix golf cart - 805-7179240
  1. Electric dryer 150$ obo / converter plug 220 to 110 / metal decter / 2 recliners -  7602230276
  2. blue heeler puppies free to a good home 7604171810
  3. 1999 f-350 super duty long bed 4wd, does have engine issues / looking for a 4wd 350 range 7604170714
  4. Still looking for old horse trailer that she needs to store things - 7603792838 or 3791238 or 3791328
  5. Mesa clinical pharmacy
  6. King size mattress and box spring with frame 50$ / table saw 45$ 7603017359
  7. Antique couch & electric Conn Organ looking to trade for fire wood. Yard sale: fri-sat 2200 commercial ave in lake isabella - 4422185723 
  8. Fridge 100$ / washer and dryer 500$ / beestro table with two chairs 7604179276


  1. 7602231779 - looking for a mountain bike 
  2. Looking for a galaxy a14 phone with a tiger cub as a screensaver - 7604999605 
    1. 15301 hwy 178 weldon offering reward for anyone that finds it 
  3. Halloween costumes which / ghost / spiderman / 5-10$ a piece / fridge for sale/ little compressor 7604179276
  4. Mobile home 10x56 1bed 1 bath 2410 ronita lane space 10 25000$ obo - 8057101672 Rita
  5. Pellet stove fireplace insert whitfield +  3 bag pellets 600$ obo - 6619728447 
  6. Stephanie sequoia mountain apothecary free event 19th 4-8pm for entrepreneurs for 25 and under looking for vendors / selling bracelets for borel fire victims - 7602795079 or go into the 5400 lake isabella blvd
  7. Looking for people that bought cars from them and they never picked up - 7603784088
  8. Old razor handicap three wheel scooter  900$ - 7603795997
  9. 34 foot enclosed tri - axle trailer made by competitive , gooseneck 5000$ / koi fish 7604170339
  10. Looking for Wood fireplace / looking for a washer and dryer / looking for an upright piano - 3107417838 
  11. Charged comfort bike 1000$ - 5599206543
  12. Cot cabella 200$ obo propane torch 32 foot hose 75$ obo / looking for Russ and Karon Mason contact info - 4424235118


Tradio Ads week of 10/08/24

  1. Barrel composter 40$ / wood cord rack 20$ / weber charcoal grill with accessories 90$ - 7603764000
  2. Looking for a galaxy a14 phone with a tiger cub as a screensaver - 7604999605  
  3. Intake manifold small block $125 - 7604172017
  4. 12 foot travel trailer brand new bought in 2023 A/C tv, sleeps two, brand new tires, stove & sink - 10,000$ - 7602231190
  5. Lookin for 8-10 used t-posts 6ft as long as - 7602233801
  6. 92 harley electra glide 2000$ - 7602993148
  7. Fridge 100$ / looking for a small truck - 7604179276
  8. 1977 honda 70 125 / gas golf cart / honda 90 - 6616149489
  9. Borel Fire Relief Virtual Press Conference: Thursday @ 10Am -


  1. Garage sale 2012 marquee behind vons 
  2. Looking for thin sheet metal / looking for a 4wd vehicle - 4422189112
  3. Yard sale 2200 commercial ave in lake isabella fri-sun 8 am electric organ, motorhome, couch - 4422185723
  4. A/C 980 watt 50$ / craftsman router 20$ / drone 20$ / in desperate need of a decent car under 1500$ - 7605499630
  5. 2-wheel mower 75$ / costco storage rack on wheels 50$ each / bunch of vintage cast iron - 7603764000
  6. Fix spring on garage door - 7605499447
    1. Number for repair - 7604722754
  7. Looking for a guy to pick up his cars - 7602993456


  1. Things stolen in wofford heights - large air compressor & toyota four runner
  2. Yard sale sat 8-3 5634 vista grande in weldon
  3. Battery charger for a golf cart - 7209399559
  4. Yard sale fri-sat 10917 hand court / chest freezer, dressers, clothes
  5. Details on trash tax petition from last year - 4422189112
  6. 10000 gallon water tank 1600$ - 3790620
  7. Yard sale 20722 hwy178 in weldon sat 8am tractors golf carts etc.
  8. Looking for thin sheet metal/ queen size mattress for free - 4422189112
  9. Looking for two talented individuals architect and computers geek to download itunes onto a flash drive - 4422185093
  10. 8 puppies that need a new home pitbull/lab mix - 6614320027
  11. 96’ ford thunderbird 117000 miles 2000$ obo - 4422184982



Tradio Ads week of 10/01/24

  1. Looking for a galaxy a14 phone with a tiger cub as a screensaver - 7604999605 
  2. Found a dog erskine creek road - 7603794882 
  3. Rummage sale across from ghost town accepting donations 3876 lake isabella blvd  , friday and saturday 8am - 2pm
  4. Potbelly pigs need to be rehomed - 7608127850
  5. Lady of the elks annual rummage sale 5th and 6th 6705 wofford heights blvd 9am - 1pm
  6. Bunch of tools, brand new 32 inch tv - 7602231779
  7. 6615789563 looking for the info on the potbelly pigs
  8. Live on a private ranch can’t get wifi past high school looking to split with other ranch’s wifi erskine creek road Ken - 4422185093
  9. Found a black lab vons in lake isabella - 7046773525


  1. Books - 7605499447
  2. Rummage sale across from ghost town accepting donations 3876 lake isabella blvd  friday and saturday 8am - 2pm
  3. Looking for a camper shell for a 2010 nissan truck - 7602235196


  1. 8x25 foot jayco eagle series 285 5th wheel dual axle large roll out awning sleeps 6 clean title in hand $4000 - 7727664601
  2. 1973 ford ranchero $6000 - 7602233477
  3. September 8 12 am-1:30 Looking for a galaxy a14 phone with a tiger cub as the case - 7604999605 15201 highway 178 weldon
  4. Yard sale tomorrow 20722 highway 178 starting at 7
  5. Bunch of tools, brand new 32 inch tv - 7602231779
  6. Set of 4 ford alloy wheels with tires 8 lug for a ford f250 100$ for all 4 / set of steps ford f250 super duty 2018-2020 brand new 75$ - 7143660421


Tradio Ads week of 09/24/24

  1. Looking for a couch in good condition / 10000 gallon water tank for sale - 3790620
  2. 3 tackle boxes full of fishing gear $180 / 4 scissor stabilizer jacks 80$ / 7605493005
  3. Looking for someone to help move their fifth wheel - 6613949810
  4. Looking for night vision binoculars / looking for someone - 4422185093
  5. Slab of granite 6ft long and some other miscellaneous pieces - Allen 9512641295
  6. Queen size mattress in good shape $5 - 4422189112
  7. Whitfield pellet stove 500$ / vintage shuffleboard 500$ / miscellaneous lumber - 4424235072
  8. Whitfield pellet stove 600$ obo / freezer 100$ / chain hoist 3 ton 60$ - 6619728447
  9. Trailer needs wheels and tires 100$ 4x8 - 7608121039
  10. 10 foot cat tree / bunk bed with full and twin - 4422704232


1. Log splitter 1000$ / phone poles / thermodynamic plasma cutter 500$ - 7603795999


  1. Whitfield pellet stove 500$ / vintage shuffleboard 500$ / miscellaneous lumber - 4424235072
  2. Queen mattress in good condition for free - 4422189112
  3. 500 polaris quad 1800$ - 7602993456
  4. California king bed matching dresser, and nights stands 300$ obo / poker table for 8 people with chairs 35$ / wheelbarrow sale 40$ - 7604179276 looking for a wrecked toyota tacoma
  5. Looking for fishing gear - 7602233259
  6. looking for a mountain bike 7602231779 or 3331779
  7. Looking for an xbox 1 & looking for someone who spent time in ford orde with assigned number of A13 - 4422185093


Tradio Ads week of 09/17/24

  1. Queen size mattress $10 / looking for a 4wd vehicle with low range in good shape / looking for a remote piece of property - 4422189112
  2. Whitfield pellet stove in very good condition 600$ obo / small freezer in good working condition $100 firm - 6619728447
  3. Looking for a couch in good condition / 10000 gallon water tank 1600$ - 7603790620
  4. Loads of dirt 150$/ per load about 12x8 trailer full - 6617420090
  5. Scaffolding for free / scuba tanks free / pool heater free - 9512641295
  6. Extra large dog house $75 / 2001 triumph tiger  950 motorcycle $2500 / 2 mountain bikes $40 - 5597565658
  1. Queen Size mattress $10 - 4422189112
  2. Dual Port holley carb for older vw beetle $100 / 70’s era mac 110 chainsaw brand new in the box $200 - 7602232203
  3. Compact fridge 4.5 cubic feet $200 obo - 4422185241
  4. Looking for couch 3790260
  5. Dining room table in good condition with 4 chairs and the leaf 25$ / 2 tables made of horseshoes / small island $30 - 7604179276
  6. 36 foot racecar trailer enclosed tri-axle made $5000 / 64 chevy suburban $3000 / koi fish need to be rehomed - 7604170339
  7. Whitfield pellet stove $500 / regulation size shuffleboard table 500$ / lumber - 4424235072
  8. Estate sale today @ 713 siretta street in Kernville 
  9. Looking for Rolls of barbed wire 7604179718
  10. Craftsman router 1.5 hp 20$ / vcr 15$ / plastic insert for a small pond 15$ - 7605499630
  11. Ge washer and dryer $50 for both / 7604172905
  12. Set of queen size mattress to trade for double mattresses / 36 flat screen tv $36 - 7602231440
  1. Joe yard sale fri and sat tools decor 2914 pinion street in lake isabella
  2. Yard sale at prince ranch in weldon until sunday 10-5pm
  3. Mini fridge 4.5 cubic feet 100$ - 4422185241
  4. 92 electra glide 3000$ - 7602993148


Tradio Ads week of 09/10/24

  1. Looking for homes for 3 chiwawas and a pitbull - 6616149735 in lake isabella
  2. Full size bed headboard, sheets, mattress, / garage shelving metal / love seat with a hide a bed 20$ by rodeo grounds sierra meadows - 7604179276
  3. 2 large rugs in excellent cognition 8x5 pure white 50$ , colored 10x8 feet 50$ - 7606771664
  4. Level a mobile needed - 7603790620
  5. Used whirlpool washing machine $50 / 6 gallons of thompson's water seal 10$/each / curtain rods brand new 46-86 inches 2$/each - 7608877797
  6. Mattress queen size 15$ - 4422189112
  7. Yard sale sat sun 3032 Driftwood ave lakeland estate in lake isabella sun-up to sun-down 
  8. Twin bed free mattress and frame / card table and 4 chairs 30$ / 10 inch radial arm saw by craftsman 150$ - 8184266291
  9. 220 electrical dryer/  2 recliner chairs brand new 50$ a piece / cooling kit for a chevy - 4422184189
  10. 2004 ultima chopper 5 grand -  7604179705


  1. 1975 honda bike1500$ / sl 100 250$ needs parts / 2000’s mazda 4 door 7602993456
  2. 16 foot fiber glass extension ladder 55$ / 2 kc lights still in box 60$ / chain link gate  25$ - 7602235642
  3. 70’s era mac 110 chainsaw never used still in box $200 7602232203
  4. Champ RV, no smog, good engine and body - 7602239932


  1. Wheelchair bob - set of ping golf clubs $300 / $500 firm  jeep engine / 3 mountain bikes 30$/per bike - 7603781129 & 4422186112
  2. Queen mattress $15 / hairclippers 5$ / memory foam topper king size 25$ - 4422189112
  3. 4 dressers / shelving -  yard sale 31 laurel wofford heights sat
  4. Yard sale car, motorcycles,  20722 178 kelso creek road 7 am tomorrow and on
  5. Electric bike - 5599206543
  6. 2 electric bikes 1400$ for both cash only - 6613013650


Tradio Ads week of 09/03/24

  1. 2 year old male peacock needs a new home - 6613438556
  2. Mattress queen size 20$ / brand new memory foam topper king size bed 30$ - 4422189112
  3. Free piano - 7602232203
  4. Wheelchair bob - jeep engine 500$ / set of ping golf clubs 300$ - 7603781129 & 4422186112
  5. lost cat in weldon in the area of camanche and shawnee, large cat,  gray and black, one bad eye - 7608121067
  1. Looking for a used horse trailer for storage purposes / pallets for sale 3$ for each - 7693792838
  2. Washer and propane dryer 100$ for both - 7604172905
  3. Moving sale next three days appliances 2550 violet and web street lake isabella  - 6619030559 
  4. 2008 2500 dodge ram 6000$ - 7602233310
  5. Free antique piano will need some work - 7602236223
  1. 92 harley davidson that runs 3000$ / 86 ford ranger needs motor to be put back in 500$ - 7602993148
  2. Marge - engine puller 200$ / car ramps / nordic treadmill 100$ tool box - 7609129944
  3. Yard sale 31 laurel street wofford heights bunch of fishing equipment miscellaneous friday 8am through saturday
  4. Looking for Propane stove and looking for a puppy - 7605499196
  5. 10,000 gallon water tank for sale $1600 - 7603790620
  6. Sat september 14th frandy park fundraiser dustin clarke 4pm  highlands pet styling has tickets in 
  7. 2003 ford ranger 5 speed manual 1800$ obo - 4422186693
  8. Looking for wheel chair in good condition - 7602231072
  9.  Hairclippers 7$ / mattress queen size 20$ / memory foam topper king size bed $30 - 4422189112



Tradio Ads week of 08/29/24

  1. Marge - engine hoist 200$, steel tool box 100$, nordic track treadmill 100$ - 7609129944
  2. Yard sale : fri sat sun 8am-4pm, 6801 southfork lane in weldon 
  3. 6 gallons of thompson's waterseal 10$/each, brand new curtain rods 2$ each, black and decker grill 40$ - 7608877797
  4. Looking for someone to help move a fifth wheel - 5594810390
  5. Deep freeze 75$ and washer 80$ - 6619030559
  6. Small block 307 $500 obo 4 10inch dish mags  $250 7602993356
  7. Sat September 14th frandy park fundraiser dustin clarke 4pm


Tradio Ads week of 08/06/24

  1. Full size electric dryer for free 4609 oak lane in mt mesa
  2. 10,000 gallon water tank for sale 1600$ - 7603790620
  3. Tilt car trailer 3200$/ forklift 3500$ / 2002 jeep wrangler 5000$ - 7605493183
  4. 4 months old kitten needs a home - 7602231104
  5. 25 foot catalina sailboat 2200$/ vintage schwinn bike beach cruiser 300$ - 7604172037
  6. Car battery for 2001 chrysler sebring / kenmore washer and dryer trading for apartment washing machine hooks up to the sink - 4422185241
  7. Smoker 50$ / set of tail lights 56’ chevy 75$/ bill elliott action figure 30$ - 7603798515


  1. 430 john deere brush hog 400$ - 6614879208
  2. Travel trailer 22 foot 5th wheel, queen bed, slide out good for three people, ac, microwave, fridge, new tires, $8000 - 7603796369
  3. TV stand 50$ - 7605499447
  4. Reese 5th wheel rocker hitch 350$ / gooseneck hitch attachment works with the rocker hitch 30,000 lbs setup 150$/ craftsman contractor series radial arm saw, dust collection system, steel stand, 10 inch blade and extra accessories, osha approved with all the safety equipment 400$ / 6000$ oldsmobile engine with many upgrades - 4425991055 deliverable in krv
  5. K5 blazer looking for hood and passenger fender - 7604171073
  1. Headboard and side tables and a dresser 500$ / 7602993106
  2. Wheelchair Bob - jeep engine 500$/ 5 mountain bikes - 7603781129 or 4422186112
  3. Antique upright bennet piano 100$ / yamaha keyboard 50$ / whirlpool electric stove 100$ - 7602232203 
  4. Standard size Electric stove ceramic top 100 $ obo / collectible barbie doll bob mackie signed 500$ obo / kawasaki mule 1500$ tilt bed new motor runs great - 7602231516
  5. 10,000 gallon water tank for sale 1600$ - 7603790620
  6. 1975 honda 700 interceptor needs a carb 1200$ / 96 buick town car 1500$ 6613425875
  7. Yard Sale Saturday 10917 hand court in Weldon from 7-2 a bunch of different things
  8. Heavy duty electric wheelchair bumper mount carrier 550$ / truck bed hoist 500-1000 lbs 125$ - 7603796356 or 7603797929
  9. Dining table 6 chairs with150$ / card table 4 chairs 30$ / grocery cart with liner 8$ 8184266291